
© Susan Mannion.
My journey in photography commenced nearly thirteen years ago in March 2012, after having been lent a camera by my brother-in-law to take on holiday. I now work in both film and digital photography and greatly enjoy trying out different types of photographic technique. Although I am now twelve years into my artistic journey, I am still constantly striving to develop my skills and abilities, and have undertaken a number of courses to this end; in black and white film photography, black and white digital photography, landscape photography, wet plate collodion photography and photo intaglio printmaking.
I have undertaken three residencies at the Cill Rialaig Project in County Kerry; with Mayes Creative in Cornwall, England; and with Tariq Dajani in Galicia, Spain. Since 2013 I have also, I'm honoured to say, become a regular visitor of the print studio at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre. I have exhibited widely, including six times at the Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibitions, twice at the Annual Exhibition of the Royal Hibernian Academy, the 158th International Print Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society and the 2017 Original Print exhibition of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers. In 2016 I was made a member of the Graphic Studio Dublin, in 2017 I was awarded associate membership of the Irish Photographic Federation (AIPF) and last year I was made a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society (FRPS).